Register As Affiliate #
Click One Join Our Affiliate Programme from the side bar.
Sign Up and follow the activation process.
Log In
Set Commission #
Set Commission option is for if the admin want to set special/individual commission for the affiliate. So Affiliate will get commission based on this settings instead of General Commission Settings. There are two types of Commission are available for affiliate:
- Signup Commission
- Payment Commission
Signup Commission: To provide special/individual Commission for every signup, then check Signup commission and provide the amount. So Affiliate will get that commission on every signup whom are coming through the affiliate link.
If Set commission is checked and this signup commission remains unchecked then Affiliate will get commission based on General Commission Settings Signup Commission.
Payment Commission: To provide special/individual Commission to affiliate for every Package buying payment check Payment commission option. So Affiliate will get that commission on every package buying payment whom were registered through the affiliate link.
There are two types of giving commission to affiliate.
- Fixed: Fixed refers to that affiliate will get a fixed amount on every package buying payment.
- Percentage: Percentage refers that affiliate will get a percentage amount of the package price on every package buying.
Update Affiliate #
Click on the update icon from the affiliate lists and the form will appear with the existing data of the affiliate. So change the existing value if you want and hit the Save button
Change Password #
Admin Can change Affiliate user password from admin panel. Click On the Change Password icon from the users list and a modal will appear. Provide new password and confirm password and hit the save button. Affiliate will be notified with his updated password through email.
Delete Affiliate #
Admin Can delete any affiliate user anytime from the affiliate users list. Click on the Delete icon and confirm with click on Ok. System will delete that affiliate with it's corresponding data from the application.
Affiliate Withdrawal Requests #
All affiliates' withdrawal requests will be shown here in the table. Admin can review and manage withdrawal requests from here.
Admin can review the request and can change the status of the request from status column. By default requests are in pending state. When admin approve a request, corresponding affiliate will get email notification about Request Approval.
Admin can also cancel any request any time and corresponding requested affiliate will get email notification to his/here registered email. Admin can sent cancel notification with the reason of cancelation message. Click on the cancel from the status dropdown and write down the reason in the message field, if don't want the cancel message just keep the field blank and hit the submit button.